April 12, 2011

In Response to Rachelle Beaudoin...

Rachelle talked about mobile marketing and how companies are using the new smart phones as a way to advertise on a device that most people use constantly. She asked, “What other ways do you think mobile marketing can help?” She had already brought up ads on free apps, but I would like to talk about the advertisements on web pages that show up even on a mobile device.

According to MobileMarketingWatch.com new research estimates that a total of $3.3 billion has been spent on mobile marketing in 2011. 1/5 of this number is contributed by American Corporations. They project that by 2015 that number will jump to $20.6 billion. Clearly the mode of advertising is shifting to our mobile devices, such as a Smartphone, laptop, or the iPad. With the capability to reach masses in such a short time is a powerful tool that businesses are using. Even at Keene State College you can see a trend towards using our mobile device. There is a class offered here called Apple Development that is a course that is all about making apps on an iPhone.

Is anyone considering going into the mobile marketing industry? What do you hope to contribute in that field?

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