In my marketing class we discussed marketing principles such as the marketing mix. I was asked, "If I were the 'product' trying to obtain a position at a company, how would I sell myself?" Initially I would create a resume to demonstrate what I have to offer the company and the experience I can bring to the working culture. Here I would put my past jobs, my school degrees, and the extra curricular activities I participate in (like community service). Assuming my resume fits the criteria the company was looking for I would be called in for an interview. Here I would promote myself as a good fit to their organization by carefully choosing what I wear and how early I show up. I could show the interviewer some examples that I have done relating to the position, like a portfolio. I could bring up the fact that I live close to the company and own a car to assure them that if there was ever an emergency I could make it to the establishment quickly. Once they offered me the position [because you know they will ;) ] we would determine the price. I could offer to work on a trail period of 3 months on a lesser salary to insure they hired the right person or I could argue that because of my experience I should be paid a higher starting salary. There are a lot factors involved when trying to market yourself to a company and the marketing mix starts to break down what you need to do to obtain your dream job.
What do you think is the most important component of the marketing mix when you are interviewing for a position?
What do you think is the most important component of the marketing mix when you are interviewing for a position?