I recently read an article about social media marketing and how videos can be a powerful asset to selling the company's product. It said that to have a successful video it must be:
- Engaging - In addition to being informational, often want to leverage humor, or do something to make the viewer smile (if not outright laugh).
- Memorable - If the viewer does not remember it, what's the point?
- On-brand - Must be consistent with the product's brand attributes and brand marketing messages
The article goes on to say that to be effective at all you need to know your audience and have a clear approach for each target groups. With the above guidelines (and with knowledge of your audience in hand), successful video types for social media might include: an interview from a client, a clever stunt, staged interactions between the product and a consumer, humorous traditional commercials, or musical spoofs.
This article was clearly focusing on the consumer market (B2C). Because I work at Hallmark, a retail card store, I know that commercials and videos really bring in a customer to purchase a specific item. Bug 'Em is a lady bug that has a zipper pouch that parents or grandparents can fill to surprise a child. We had this item in the store before the Christmas holidays and we didn't sell any. When the commercial for this product came our right before Valentines day we could not keep them on the shelves. At Hallmark there is definitely a correlation between the commercials they air and how much product we sell.
What types of videos/ commercials make you want to buy?